
Welcome to our website which is visited mostly by the reference of our patients or thanks to a word searched through the search engine, or good news published about us in the media.

You are most probably visiting our website to resolve a complaint that is probably important to you and to understand that to what extent we can help you. Today, treatment alternatives and physician options are increasing every day. We know very well that this situation, which seems to be in your favor, brings with it the difficulty of reaching the right physician in a complex ball of information. It is difficult for you but please remember that only the right choices can make you happy.

We have operated many patients coming from Anatolia and abroad for rhinoplasty, revision rhinoplasty (surgical correction of failed rhinoplasty), nasal congestion surgery (deviation, concha, and polyp), snoring & sleep apnea, sinusitis, and prominent ear surgery.

Our site offers you detailed information and treatment options for many problems and diseases related to otolaryngology, head and neck surgery, rhinoplasty, and facial aesthetics. Please contact us via e-mail if you have any questions, opinions, and contributions. Please be assured that we will return to you as soon as possible. With love,


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Why Dr. Baykal?


Rhinoplasty is a serious surgery that requires experience and differs from other cosmetic surgeries in terms of difficulty. Not every surgeon who performs this surgery can have the same success.

As a physician who particularly specialized in functional and cosmetic rhinoplasty, I can tell you that it is highly probable to achieve an unsuccessful outcome in operations performed by non-specialists and be sure that it is very difficult to operate a nose for a second time and the chance of success is lower than the first surgery.

If you are thinking about having a rhinoplasty operation, all you have to do is actually very simple: to reach a physician who only performs functional and cosmetic rhinoplasty surgeries and who has trained himself/herself in this field, not to a physician who performs every type of surgery. If you are operated by such a surgeon, you are more likely to be happy after surgery. In other words, possibility of failure is reduced.

When you write rhinoplasty, or nose job, to search engines, you will encounter many websites. Do you think most of the patients referring to these sites were happy? Do they have the nose they want? Excluding the group of patients with psychological problems, I know the proportion of patients who are happy because half of my patients who have applied to me from inside and outside the country have had previously undergone rhinoplasty that resulted in failure. Nevertheless, I prefer to leave the extensive research and decision on you.

The key point here is the selection of the physician. You have taken a positive step in terms of accurate and realistic information as you are currently visiting the website of a physician, almost all of the patients of whom are those undergoing rhinoplasty.

So how do I work?

First of all, in the first interview, I show you the before&after photos of my patients that I operated on so that you can get an idea. Thus, you will be able to better evaluate the postoperative changes that naturally and positively affect expression. Sincerity and honesty are the basis of the trust relationship between the patient and the physician. The more accurate we position the nose that is likely to achieve and the nose you want to have, the more you will be happy after surgery.

Never forget that even in the hands of the best surgeons, surgical success is not 100%. What is important is that you take this journey with a physician who pledges to take care of you when there is a problem. My patients may need to ask me questions dozens of times before and after the surgery. It is important to be able to answer these questions every time without getting bored both in terms of professional ethics and in terms of removing the question marks in your mind.

Actually, the best way to get the answer to the question “Why Dr. Bahadır Baykal?” is the opinion of the patients that I have performed their operation. I recommend you to read the comments that include the opinions of the real patients we have obtained from the best physician site to get an idea about me.

Take care of yourself…